1146 schools in Oman now covered by Fiber optic and 5G


The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) said that the number of government schools that were covered by telecommunication services until 2022 reached 1,221, of which 1,146 schools were covered by the fiber optic and 5G services, representing 94 percent of the total.

This came during a dialogue meeting organized by the authority on infrastructure expansion projects in the telecommunications sector for the year 2023, quality of service, and basic measurement indicators for evaluating the quality and prices of telecommunications services in the Sultanate of Oman and investments during the past five years.

The Communications Regulatory Authority added: The executive program for the targeted infrastructure in 2025 is to bring the percentage of buildings covered by fiber optic services to 75 percent, the percentage of buildings covered by fixed broadband networks to 85 percent, the percentage of the population covered by mobile networks to 98 percent.

The number of violations of the telecommunications sector for the year 2022 reached 167 violations, with a value of more than OMR 60,800.

The percentage of mobile phone subscriptions from the total population reached 140 percent, and the percentage of fixed broadband coverage from the total buildings reached 80 percent.

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