25000 tons organic fertilizer production in first phase in Dhofar

Salalah: The organic fertilizer production plant in Salalah, Dhofar Governorate, is one of the vital and environmental projects, and is supervised by the Oman Nakheel Development Company in cooperation with the Ministry of Agricultural Wealth, Fisheries and Water Resources.

Sarah Bint Zaher Al-Afani, Director of Farm Planning at Nakheel Oman Development Company, said that the factory’s production capacity in the first phase reached 25,000 tons since the start of operations in the first quarter of this year, and the company seeks to produce 100,000 tons of organic fertilizers during one year.

She added that the factory uses green waste in the production of organic fertilizers in cooperation with Bee’ah Company, as well as animal waste, which is provided by purchasing from local livestock breeders, noting that the factory uses the latest technologies in the region to produce organic fertilizers through which raw materials are transformed. To compost, under improved conditions in a closed cell system.

She stated that the company is working to invest in palm products, healthy food and sustainable agriculture, adopting the concept of the green economy, which depends on achieving sustainable growth and development without disturbing environmental systems and achieving the best returns from investing in natural resources and rationalizing their use, in addition to reducing emissions of harmful gases to the environment.

She indicated that a partnership agreement was signed with the Omani Environmental Services Holding Company “Bee’ah” to obtain agricultural residues (green waste) from the engineering landfill in the Raysut Industrial Area in the state of Salalah, and use them to reproduce products of economic value such as organic fertilizer (compost) by adopting technologies and practices. Modern and environmentally friendly, the factory covers the needs of the company’s farms for mainly organic fertilizers, for the local and global market.

It is worth noting that Nakheel Oman is based on one of the main axes of “Oman Vision 2040”, which is “the sustainable environment”, as the environment and natural resources are one of the national priorities of the vision in accordance with the strategic direction, represented in effective, balanced, and flexible ecosystems to protect the environment and sustain its natural resources in support of For the national economy, therefore, Nakheel Oman seeks to exploit green waste and animal waste to produce high-quality organic fertilizers in modern ways to achieve sustainable development.

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