27,629 Students in Oman Received admission in First Take of Academic Year 2023/2024: HEAC


Muscat: The Higher Education Admission Centre (HEAC) at the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation has said that a total of 27,629 students received admission in the first allocation for Academic Year 2023/2024 in higher education institutions, scholarships and study allowances within Oman and abroad.

The ministry said that 93% of available seats were occupied.

Students who received admission are given one week to complete their registration formalities, from tomorrow, 17 August, to 23 August 2023, said Dr. Hamad Khalfan Al Nu’amani, Director General of the HEAC, noting that the students’ registration can be made through HAEC portal and other announced electronic channels.

Giving a breakup, Al Nu’amani said that government higher education institutions accommodated 55.6 percent of the total number of students who received admission, while 42.2 percent of the admissions went to internal study allowances and 2.2 percent to scholarships abroad.

Al Nu’mani pointed out that the HAEC will extend a ‘mis-choice serve’ to students, offering them an opportunity to amend their preferences, from 28 to 30 August 2023, and contest the vacant seats, provided they meet the terms of the service.

The number of scholarship seats offered by private higher education institutions and private sector companies grew by 59.4 percent over the number of such scholarships last year, according to Al Nu’amani. – ONA

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