33 illegal possessions were removed in Baushar in 2020-2022

Muscat Municipality
Muscat Municipality

Muscat: As part of Muscat Municipality’s efforts to remove illegal plot holdings that are considered an infringement on public right, the General Directorate of Muscat Municipality in Baushar recorded in 2020-2022 a removal of 33 illegal possessions in various locations in the Wilayat of Bausher, which were seized illegally, and in violation of the regulations and laws stipulated.

The reasons for the removal of the holdings varied, as 5 were removed due to the acquisition of space behind the land plot and overlap with the boundaries of the beach, another was also detected after making additions with fixed materials outside the owner’s land plot without obtaining the required license to make these additions.

Two possessions were also removed due to the acquisition of a part of the street and its inclusion in the land wall, and the other to possess a part of the railway and to cultivate it, while the holdings of government lands amounted to about (14) out of 33 possessions during the two years referred to. The rest of the reasons for the holdings varied between making occupancy outside the borders of the land, or making unfixed additions, building a concrete wall outside the plot, and other land acquisitions to make barns. The process of removing illegal possessions takes place in the presence of representatives from the Public Prosecution and the Royal Oman Police, where the Muscat Municipality takes the decision to remove random possession after verifying that there are no documents and papers indicating its legality within the monitored sites that have holdings and buildings that violate the applicable laws and regulations. Unlawful possessions by first communicating with the owner of the possession; To submit documents or building permits, if available, and then notify him of the need for immediate removal, along with handing him a report of a violation detection, and in the event of non-response, the violation is referred to the Legal Follow-up Department; To take the necessary action and then refer it to the Public Prosecution, and then to the court to issue a judicial ruling for removal and proceed with the implementation of the rulings issued for immediate removal, whether it is white lands or building rooms, fences, and iron and wooden pillars in white lands. Muscat Municipality confirms the illegality of this phenomenon, which represents an infringement of public right or a violation of the requirements for buildings, while affirming at the same time that it will continue to take all necessary measures and in coordination with the concerned authorities to stop the phenomenon of illegal possessions, and to address it in terms of preserving public property and preventing Putting a hand on it, and at the same time stressing the role of society in cooperating with the municipality’s call to not allow this phenomenon and others, and cooperating to avoid falling into such abuses in the service of the public interest.

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