ABA Oman International School celebrates Class of 2023 Graduation

ABA Oman International School celebrated the Class of 2023 graduation under the auspices of His Royal Highness Sayyid Theyazin bin Haitham bin Tarik Al Said. This highly anticipated event commemorated the achievements and academic journey of ABA’s 34th cohort of graduates, marking a significant milestone in their lives.

HRH Sayyid Theyazin bin Haitham Al Said presented the coveted International Baccalaureate Diploma to the graduates, who have demonstrated remarkable dedication and perseverance throughout their educational journey.

ABA Board Chair, Bikram Monga, complimented the graduates on successfully completing the rigorous IB programme. Mr Monga exhorted the graduates to take Oman’s diversity to the world. “You depart as Ambassadors of this wonderful country to the world. Your actions, your growth, your impact on the world should resonate both the education you gained and what Oman and ABA have moulded you to become.”

Addressing the cohort, Craig Williamson, ABA Head of School encouraged the graduates to build upon this accomplishment and leverage their talents and abilities for the greater good. Mr Williamson said, “success is not a limited resource; it multiplies when we ensure that everyone has what they need to thrive.”

Sharing words of wisdom and encouragement with the graduating class, Simon Walker, High School Principal and Assistant Head of School, remarked, “Graduation is not only a celebration of the achievements of the graduating class, it is also recognition of the support and commitment given by families and teachers. The Class of 2023 has 27 different nationalities represented and we encourage every student to go out into the world and make a positive difference as Global Citizens. We are honoured that this day has been made even more memorable and historical by the presence of His Royal Highness Sayyid Theyazin bin Haitham Al Said.”

The Class of 2023 was commended for their exceptional performances throughout the year. The valedictorians Noorah Husband and Ayaan Nadamal stated, “These years at ABA were some of the most crucial stepping stones in our academic journey. They have provided us with a solid foundation and prepared us for the challenges that lie ahead.”

Anja Van Der Merwe was the recipient of the International Understanding Award for furthering the cause of internationalism in the community and beyond, while the High School Philippa Leggate Award for Citizenship was presented to Sarah Altaee for her valuable contribution to the ABA community.

Other notable awards, including The Duke of Edinburgh International Award – Gold was presented to Alix Dupont, Maelle Storder, Sam Anthony, Georgia Isles and Ben Storer. Georgia Isles also received the Individual Sports Athlete of the Year award, while Daniel Helou and Gabriella Cooper received the overall Athlete of the Year awards for their exceptional performance during MESAC and other sports events.

Guy Essex, Assistant High School Principal said, “We are confident that this cohort of future leaders and innovators will continue to inspire, empower and uphold The ABA Way, as they  explore ways to make a positive impact in the world.”

Through the coordinated efforts and guidance of University Counsellor, Jinane Traboulsi Helou, and IB Diploma Coordinator, Samantha Cole, ABA graduates have been accepted into leading universities around the world, illustrating the value globally of the gold standard IB qualification. Stanford University, GeorgiaTech, Georgetown University, University of Pennsylvania, UCL, Imperial College London, University of Toronto, Waterloo University, McGill University, University of Melbourne, Trinity College Dublin, Ecole Polytechnique Paris and the  University of Groningen, are some of the prestigious universities where ABA graduates will be taking their educational journey forward in various fields of study such as Neuroscience, Biomedical Engineering, International Business, Finance, Law, Computer Science, Psychology, and Architecture, to name a few.

The Class of 2023’s graduation ceremony is  the first to be hosted at the new ABA Al Irfan campus which was inaugurated in March 2022. ABA Oman International School is the leading, not-for-profit, IB Continuum School in Muscat, Oman. Visit www.abaoman.org to discover The ABA Way.

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