Active commercial and tourist movement in Al Dhahirah Governorate, in conjunction with Khareef season

Ibri: Since the start of the 2023 Khareef Dhofar season, the Wilayat of Ibri in Al Dhahirah Governorate has been witnessing an active tourist and commercial movement through visitors coming from the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, especially since the Wilayat of Ibri overlooks the border crossing of the Empty Quarter, which connects the Sultanate of Oman with the brotherly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

As well as visitors coming from the Hafeet port in Al Buraimi Governorate, so that the governorate will be a resting point for visitors heading by land to spend the holiday in the Dhofar Governorate.

The commercial movement in the Wilayat of Ibri is witnessing a remarkable activity during this period by the Gulf visitors, especially in the hotel establishments sector, as many visitors of the fall used to rest in the Wilayat of Ibri to continue their way later to the Dhofar Governorate, which is about 900 kilometers away from the Al Dhahirah Governorate.

Ali bin Khamis Al-Sudairi, Assistant Director of the Department of Heritage and Tourism in Al-Dhahirah Governorate, pointed to the increase in the activity of hotels and hotel establishments in the governorate, explaining that the average occupancy rate in hotels in the Wilayat of Ibri ranges between 60 to 85 percent during the month of July, which indicates the recovery of tourism and the movement of tourists. visitors in Al Dhahirah Governorate; Being a transit station and resting point for visitors coming from the land border crossings.

He added that a number of government institutions in Al Dhahirah Governorate seek to facilitate the movement of tourists to Dhofar Governorate by providing tourist information and tourist guidance about hotel establishments and tourist sites that tourists may wish to visit in Al Dhahirah Governorate, in addition to a map of tourist sites through the Tourist Information Center set up by the Department.

Heritage and Tourism in Al Dhahirah Governorate, which targets tourists visiting Dhofar Governorate. Efforts are also joined together with the government units in the governorate through the support and cooperation provided by the civil teams in the Wilayat of Ibri.

The Ibri Charity Team also participates in providing the necessary support by providing vehicles dedicated to providing roadside assistance services to visitors whose vehicles may break down during their trip to the Dhofar Governorate.

In order to facilitate the movement of tourists as they pass through the Al-Dhahirah Governorate, which reflects the institutional and civil solidarity in the governorate’s society in order to enhance the areas of tourism in its various aspects.

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