Activities of ‘Al Shuwaimiya Nights’ Kicks off in Dhofar

Muscat: Al Shuwaimiya Nights activities have been launched in the Wilayat of Shalim and the Hallaniyat Islands in Dhofar Governorate.

At the Niyabat of Al Shuwaimiya in the Wilayat of Shalim and the Hallaniyat Islands, the activities of “Al Shuwaimiya Nights” organised by the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority, represented by the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Department in Dhofar, were launched.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Ahmed Al Ghassani, Director of the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Department in the Dhofar Governorate, delivered a speech in which he said that this event comes within the plan to activate the centers affiliated to the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Department in the Dhofar Governorate, and to introduce the vocational and specialized training programmes it offers in entrepreneurship, in addition to community partnership between the public and private sectors.

The opening ceremony included the presentation of some traditional Omani arts, and a concert with the participation of a number of local artists, in addition to honouring the contributors to the organisation. The activities of “Al Shuwaimiya Nights” include a variety of cultural and heritage programmes and activities. In addition to entertainment activities targeting all segments of society, and the accompanying exhibition, which includes many products and family necessities.

The event aims to open marketing outlets for owners of small and medium enterprises and productive families in the wilayat to display their products and promote their services by linking commercial activities with the competitive advantage available.

The launch of the activities, which will be held over three nights in Al Shuwaimiya Park, was sponsored by His Excellency Abdul Hakim bin Mohammed Al-Rashdi, the governor of the Wilayat of Shalim and the Hallaniyat Islands.

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