Agreement worth RO 56,800 to provide medical equipment to Ibra Hospital

Muscat: Ibra Referral Hospital signed an agreement to finance and purchase medical equipment provided by Mitsui E&P Middle East, based on its social responsibility, with an amount of RO 56,800.

The agreement was signed by Dr. Ahmad bin al Saidi, Director General of Health Services in North Al Sharqiyah Governorate, and Eng. Najeeb bin Mohammed Al Harthy, General Manager of Mitsui E&P Middle East, and Ahmad al Jabri, Ibra Hospital Director, attended the signing ceremony at the company’s premises.

The Director General of Health Services in North Al Sharqiyah Governorate emphasized that the community initiative comes to support and achieve partnership between the government sector and the private sector to serve the public interest, praising the initiative presented by the company in order to provide diagnostic and therapeutic medical services in a modern and developed manner.

Eng. Najeeb bin Mohammed Al-Harthy, General Manager of Mitsui E&P Middle East, said that the company is keen to activate partnership and cooperation between it and government institutions to serve aspects of sustainable development, upgrading community services and development projects of public interest, including health services.

Dr. Ahmed bin Muhammad Al-Jabri, Director of Ibra Hospital, stressed that these devices will contribute to improving the services of the health system provided by Ibra Hospital to all segments of society, and the concern for the safety of patients and health workers.

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