Agreements Signed for Two Renewable Energy Projects in Oman Worth USD 800 Million

Manah: Nama Power and Water Procurement Company signed today two agreements with investment consortiums for two significant Independent Power Projects (IPPs) to produce electricity by using renewable energy in the Wilayat of Manah, the Governorate of A’Dakhiliyah, to the tune of USD 800 million.

The two IPPs “Manah I” and “Manah II” will have a total production capacity of 1,000 megawatts (MW). The electricity will be produced through the use of photovoltaic solar technology. The two projects, which will include over 2 million solar panels, will be set up on an area of 14.5 million square meters.

Manah I Solar IPP will be developed by a consortium consisting of EDF from the Republic of France, and Korea Western Power Company from the Republic of Korea.

Manah II Solar IPP will be developed by a consortium led by Sembcorp Utilities, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sembcorp Industries from Singapore and Jinko Power Technology from the People’s Republic of China.

This came during the ceremony of the company as it announced its rebranding and new identity from being formerly known as Oman Power and Water Procurement Company. The event was held under the auspices of Dr. Khalfan Said Al Shuaili, Minister of Housing and Urban Planning.

Yaqoob Saif Al Kiyumi, CEO of Nama Power and Water Procurement, said, “Our new brand identity reflects our commitment to sustainable development. We are committed to promoting the use of renewable energy in the Sultanate of Oman and ensuring the long-term energy security of the country along with contributing to the achievement of the Net-Zero target of the Sultanate of Oman.”

He pointed out that the company will develop Manah I and Manah II solar projects (IPPs) in partnership with the private sector in a build, own and operate basis.

He also added that the company is working on developing a new solar power project in the Wilayat of Ibri with a production capacity of 500 MW, in addition to wind power projects with a production capacity of 400 MW.

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