ahlibank Hosts Q2 2024 Branch Managers Meeting to Celebrate Success and Drive Continued Growth

Muscat: In a recent gathering aimed to discuss and highlight key points, achievements, operations, and overarching strategy, ahlibank held its Branch Managers Meeting for the second quarter of the year 2024. The meeting acted as a unique platform for employees to share thoughts, opinions, and insight on various topics regarding the performance of ahlibank.

The gathering highlighted discerning topics such as operations control, product development, credit department, change management, innovation, E-channels, wealth management, and more. Powered by its extensive branch network established nationwide, the branch managers provided insight into their joint efforts, exploring new avenues to boost customer experience and address the various strategies to implement.

During the gathering, Muneer Al Balushi, AGM – Head of Retail Distribution, commended the various teams for their diligent efforts, saying, “We will remain steadfast in our commitment to excellence, as we gather to highlight the course our journey took us over the past months, and planning for what’s to come. Our future is a promising one, as we continue to deliver unparalleled service, and instill trust by adding value to our customers. Through our collaborative means and shared vision, we will seize opportunities, and continue to elevate our customer’s banking experience; meeting their needs and surpassing their expectations. ahlibank will continue to be the Partner in Excellence by setting new standards and enhancing its presence throughout the country.”

The meeting ended with a rewards distribution to the best-performing branches. The several ahlibank teams received recognition for their efforts in propelling the Bank forwards, further exemplifying its commitment to excellence and success during the second quarter of 2024, and beyond.

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