ahlibank Joins Forces with “Sawa Nabni” charitable team

Muscat: As part of its ongoing commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), ahlibank, signed a MoU with “Sawa Nabni” charitable team, aimed at renovating deteriorated homes in selected areas.

The “ahli cares” initiative stands as a testament to the Bank’s commitment to supporting the local community and assisting families in need. It highlights the significant contributions of social responsibility efforts made by employees to support families in need. The aid provided by the ahli cares team, which is comprised of several volunteering employees, has contributed to enhancing the living standards and quality of life for underprivileged families, aligning  the bank’s strategic goals with the objectives of Oman Vision 2040.

Jumana Al Hashmi, Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications at ahlibank, emphasized the significance of this collaborative effort, stating, “The ahli cares campaign represents our exceptional efforts to support the community, and to provide the essential needs. This reflects our commitment to achieving the Bank’s strategic goals of aiding and supporting all members of the society. The Bank’s role is not limited to providing financial products and services that help customers effectively manage their financial affairs; it extends to providing support to those in need through the dedicated ahli cares team that is underlined by volunteer work, which in return enables us to achieve the Bank’s goal of enhancing financial inclusion.”

ahlibank is keen on participating in various social responsibility initiatives across different sectors. It has been at the forefront of banking institutions concerned with empowering all members of the community. The Bank has introduced several financial literacy programs along with launching initiatives that support the less privileged segments of society. This stems from its role in driving the economy forward and reducing disparities within the society. The collaboration between the association and the Bank is praised; as the Bank’s goals are aligned with the shared objectives of the Sultanate.

The ahli cares initiative plays a significant role in organizing and implementing a diverse range of volunteer programs aimed at supporting national projects and initiatives. Over the years, ahlibank, through the ahli cares program, has provided support to numerous associations and charitable institutions. These contributions have offered financial assistance meeting the current and future needs of individuals.

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