Al Ashkharah Atmosphere Forum attracts over 80000 visitors

The Al Ashkharah Atmosphere Forum, organized by Al Sharqiyah South Governorate in cooperation with a number of government and private agencies, attracted more than 80,000 visitors during holiday.

The forum witnessed various performances, rich programs and various artistic paintings, starting with a show of talking birds “macaws”, which are among the most loving and learning birds for free flight and the most enjoying group flight, followed by artistic performances of interactive and cartoon characters that roamed the corridors of the garden.

The program also included a chanting evening for the artistic group Al-Ma’ali, on the occasion of the anniversary of the Prophet’s migration, in addition to honoring the winning teams in the sporting events accompanying the forum. His Excellency Mohammed bin Humaid Al-Ghabashi, Wali Ja’lan Bani Bu Ali, Chairman of the organizing committee of the forum, honored the winning clubs and teams.

The Al-Ashkharah Youth Band for Arts presented many artistic paragraphs that included paintings of folk art. The program also included a distinguished participation of the Jordanian community, during which a group of performances and folkloric paragraphs were presented that expressed the diverse cultural heritage of the brotherly Jordanian society, including the presentation of hospitality “Coffee hospitality”, the Jordanian Dabkeh, the Jordanian wedding, and the “Al-Dahya” paragraph, which is a Bedouin dance practiced in the past during wars and is now practiced on occasions such as weddings and holidays and combines the art of poetry and dance, in addition to the paragraph on well-known Jordanian folk dishes such as Mansaf .

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