Al Ashkharah atmosphere forum concludes

Al Ashkharah atmosphere forum attracts nearly 220,000 people

Jaalan Bani Bu Ali: The activities of the “Al Ashkharah atmosphere” forum were concluded this evening in the Wilayat of Jaalan Bani Bu Ali in the Governorate of South A’Sharqiyah, which was launched on July 5, with the participation of various government agencies and private institutions.

The forum witnessed a public turnout that reached nearly 220,000 visitors, as it included 40 events and activities in the heritage, entertainment, tourism and cultural fields, in addition to a group of impressive performances, which were highly appreciated by citizens, residents and visitors from inside and outside the Sultanate of Oman.

The forum included a number of pavilions, most notably the heritage corner that reflected the way of life in the past through the heritage tent to display ancient folk arts and heritage competitions, palm fronds, games and traditional clothes that the governorate is famous for, in addition to displaying some traditions of the people of the sea, fishing tools, nets, silverware industries, traditional jewelry and shipbuilding, and a mini-circle to introduce visitors to how to build ships.

A number of governmental and private agencies participated in various pillars; The Department of Heritage and Tourism in the Governorate of South Al Sharqiyah participated in an interactive tourist awareness corner aimed at introducing the visitors of the forum to tourism information about the Wilayat of Jaalan Bani Bu Ali in particular, and about the Sultanate of Oman in general.

The unified tourism stations that were held in conjunction with the forum, since its inception, in the Wilayat of Al Kamil and Al Wafi, and the Niyabat of Ras Al Hadd in the Wilayat of Sur, witnessed a variety of cultural, recreational and tourism events and activities that attracted visitors and tourists.

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