Al Aswad Fort in Shinas documents history and civilization

Shinas: The historic Aswad Fort in the Wilayat of Shinas in the Al Batinah North Governorate embodies the legacy of history with its archaeological and historical character and its role in preserving its historical status over the past years.

Hassan bin Sulaiman Al Jabri, Director of the Heritage and Tourism Department in North Al Batinah Governorate, said that the Aswad Forts is one of the important historical forts that abound in the state, and its restoration was completed in 2015.

He added that the fort was given this name in relation to the village in which it is located, about 8 kilometers west of the main street, and 22 kilometers from the center of the state.

He pointed out that the fort is rectangular in shape consisting of one floor and has two towers, and it was restored in the same shape and materials in which it was previously built, and it is located in the northern corner of the village, surrounded from the north by the village farms separated by its falaj, to be a beacon of guard between the village and its farms, this In addition to its architecture in general.

He stated that the fort was used since its establishment in past historical eras for the purpose of housing and defense, and this explains the presence of two towers.

In addition to the exploitation of its land areas to store supplies and basic needs, the fort mediates other facilities that were previously intended for housing and meetings of the villagers, in addition to spacious internal courtyards that may have been used as an open market and the exchange of goods and others.

In order to preserve its historical status, the fort was restored by the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism, including all its components and redesigned as it was in the past. The restoration project included its outer wall, gates, halls and internal facilities, as well as its two main towers.

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