Al Buraimi Science and Innovation Centre Project 61% complete

Al Buraimi: Construction work is continuing on the Al Buraimi Center for Scientific Innovation project in Al Buraimi Governorate, where the completion rate has reached 61 percent, at a total cost of more than half a million Omani riyals, funded by (Okio) and supervised by the Ministry of Education. It is located near the schools of Amna Bint Al-Imam Jaber Bin Zaid, and Al-Majd for Basic Education.

Awad bin Muhammad Al-Hinai, Head of the Innovation and Scientific Olympiad Department at Al-Buraimi Education, said: The total area of ​​the center is estimated at 1,500 square meters, and an executive work plan for a year and a half. : Robotics and artificial intelligence laboratory, scientific innovation laboratory, science theater, planetarium, and a multi-purpose hall to meet requirements, in addition to administrative offices and a service store.

He explained that the stage of work in this field began a long time ago through the presence of halls in the building of the General Directorate of Education in Buraimi Governorate, and we were keen to find partnership with private sector institutions with the aim of activating the work of scientific innovation, robots and artificial intelligence through training students and teachers.

Al-Hinai added: After the expansion of programs related to scientific innovations and the widening of the segment that the center serves, we worked hard to find an integrated building that includes scientific forums, so we contacted the private sector through the office of Wali Al-Buraimi, who supported us by providing support in establishing this center with the support of OQ. After signing the agreement with the supporting company; Work has been done on preparing the maps and permits for its establishment through the formation of a joint team between the company executing the project and Al-Buraimi Education.

A time plan was made for the establishment of the center, in which it was agreed on a year and a half to implement the project in its various stages, indicating that the project is expected to be completed at the end of the current year 2023.

It is worth noting that the center, after completing its construction works, will be a scientific beacon that will enrich society in the field of scientific innovation, robotics, artificial intelligence, and astronomy, by presenting and participating in public and private scientific events by displaying innovations or scientific presentations, and will provide training courses for students and teachers. ; With the aim of enhancing capabilities that will contribute to raising efficiency in local, international and regional participation.

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