Al Dakhiliyah Governorate Municipal Council Holds meeting

Nizwa: The Municipal Council of the Governorate of A’Dakhiliyah discussed issues related to holding activities for the Green Mountain Festival in August and strengthening municipal, social and development services in the various wilayats of the governorate.

This came during the Council’s meeting, which was held today under the chairmanship of His Excellency Sheikh Hilal bin Saeed Al-Hajri, Governor of the Interior and Chairman of the Council, in the presence of all members.

The council reviewed a number of topics on the agenda, including reviewing the efforts of the municipal council in the governorate during the first half of the year for the third period of 2023, which was emphasizing the importance of caring for the interests of society and good planning; With the aim of advancing sustainable development and developing service and development projects.

The Council discussed the events and activities that will be included in the Al Jabal Al Akhdar Festival from August 3 to 19, 2023, with the aim of creating attractive tourism activities for the state of Al Jabal Al Akhdar and increasing its tourist attraction due to its terrain and mild climate, leading to an increase in economic returns and raising the occupancy rate in hotel facilities in the governorate.

During the meeting, His Excellency the Council Chairman pointed out that there are many cultural, heritage, entertainment and adventure activities and programs at the Green Mountain Festival, with the participation of a number of governmental and private institutions, the private sector, entrepreneurs and owners of small and medium enterprises.

The council also discussed the requests and responses received to it related to health, environmental and social affairs and municipal projects in the governorate, and made appropriate recommendations in their regard.

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