Al Din International Festival from 22-31 October

Muscat: Al-Din Theater of Culture and Art announced the launch of the Al-Din International Festival during the period from 22 to 31 October, under the slogan “Welcome the world to the Sultanate of Oman,” and includes performances from adult, children’s and street theater, with the participation of many artists. And international specialists and playwrights in the Arab world and beyond.

The festival aims to promote the Sultanate of Oman as a tourist, cultural, artistic and historical destination, create a creative and innovative society that competes globally, and provide a unique platform for dialogue and cultural exchange, in addition to its endeavor to make the Sultanate of Oman a thriving center for cultural tourism to introduce the whole world to Omani art and the excellence of the performance of Omanis in this field.

Muhammad Al-Nabhani, head of the Al-Din Theater of Culture and Art and head of the festival’s organizing committee, explained the importance of this festival and its positive effects in enriching cultural tourism in the Sultanate of Oman, stressing the great role of the festival, which attracts ancient and important artistic figures from around the world to make Oman a cultural, civilizational and tourism center for various sects, as Art and theater are among the simplest and most important languages ​​that the whole world understands.

It is noteworthy that the 2018 Arab Din Festival received participation from more than 100 performances and received 130 guests and participants from the Arab world. A press conference will also be organized to announce the first international festival and a huge theatrical event to enhance cultural cooperation and strengthen artistic ties.

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