Al Jabal Al Akhdar festival 2023 from 3 to 19 August

Jabal Al-Akhdar: The Office of the Governor of the Al Dakhiliyah organized a media meeting with various media agencies and partners from government and private agencies in implementing the activities of the Al Jabal Al Akhdar Festival 2023.

His Excellency Sheikh Hilal bin Saeed Al-Hajri, Governor of the Interior, launched during the meeting the logo of the festival, which symbolizes the nature of Green Mountain and its mild climate make it a unique tourist destination.

HE the Governor of the Al Dakhiliyah explained that the festival aims to attract tourists from domestic and international and to introduce the cultural heritage and natural beauty of Jabal Al Akhdar in particular and the Sultanate in general, in addition to encouraging entrepreneurs and owners of small and medium enterprises to participate in the festival and take advantage of opportunities to promote tourism and create temporary job opportunities.

“The festival’s activities will be held at the main site next to “Hail Al-Yaman” park, in addition to “Sih Qatna” park, during the period from 3 to 19 August 2023.

During the meeting, they reviewed the activities that will be held at the festival sites, which will include a variety of activities for children, theatrical performances, with the provision of many outlets for selling Omani and international food, in addition to special sites for selling local products that the state of Jabal Al Akhdar is famous for, and other sites for small and medium enterprises.

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