Al Madina Takaful continuously achieves precedence

Muscat: Al Madina Takaful went beyond adopting the latest corporate social responsibility world system, the Human Social Responsibility (HSR) policy. Taking it a step further, the company established a new precedent by implementing the practical aspect through a simulation game rooted in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030.

Al Madina Takaful recently organized five workshops for its Omani employees as a significant step in instilling a social and human responsibility culture among all staff members. What set these workshops apart was the inclusion of a practical aspect, where participants actively engaged in creating a balanced world by employing the tools of the Human Social Responsibility system (5x5x5) and Social Innovation tools (3x5x3). Through these workshops, participants discovered the essentiality of concerted efforts, cooperation, and investing their time and resources to achieve a truly balanced world.

The workshops also introduced another ground-breaking approach by implementing the ‘crow-rule’ in seeking sustainable and creative solutions within the work environment. This approach falls under the umbrella of internal human social responsibility, a crucial aspect often overlooked by many companies that adhere to traditional styles of social responsibility. By embracing this innovative approach, Al Madina Takaful set a new precedent in promoting a culture of internal responsibility and fostering sustainable practices within the organization.

These workshops were conducted by distinguished presenters, Naser Khalid Al Amri founder and general manager of Glory Makers, and the creator of the humanitarian social responsibility system. Additionally, we had the privilege of hosting Prof. Abdel Salam Al-Khatib, the sole Arab facilitator of the simulation game for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030, along with his assistant, Prof. Laith Abu Jalil. Their expertise and involvement added immense value to the workshops.

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