Al Najd farms in Dhofar harvest about 6000 tonnes of wheat

Salalah: Farmers in the Najd region of Wilayat of Thumrait in Dhofar Governorate finished the wheat harvest for the 2022/2023 season, with a total of 5940 tonnes of wheat produced

Eng. Said bin Musallam Al-Kathiri, Director of the Agricultural Wealth and Water Resources Department in Thumrait, said: The cultivated area for this year was about 5112 acres, and the period harvest on 81 farms lasted for 77 days.

The official pointed to the efforts were being made by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources, in cooperation with the Agricultural and Fisheries Development Fund and Dhofar branch of the Omani Agricultural Society, to increase the wheat cultivated area at the Najd farms in the governorate. Emphasizing the economic and strategic importance of the wheat for global food security.

He added that the Najd region in the Dhofar Governorate is considered one of the most promising areas for wheat cultivation due to the vast agricultural areas and availability of groundwater. The ministry offers many incentives to encourage farmers to expand wheat cultivation and to improve its quality including providing high quality bio-fortified seeds mainly (Wadi Qurayyat 110, 308, 226, 227, Jabrin and Koli) types

He showed that “7” wheat harvesters participated in the harvest process for this season, which was provided by the Ministry in various governorates  funded by the Agricultural and Fisheries Development Fund. The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources had signed a memorandum of cooperation  (MoC) with Oman Flour Mills Company for the purchase of locally produced wheat from farmers during the harvest season. With the aim of encouraging farmers to grow it.

It is worth noting that the Council of Ministers approved, on May 31, 2023, a plan to support local wheat production by allocating RO 5 million until 2027, and signed usufruct land pacts in a number of governorates for its cultivation. With the aim of achieving food security in the country and stabilizing the strategic stock of basic commodities.

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