Al Noor Association for the Blind in Dhofar celebrates the International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Taqah: Al-Noor Association for the Blind in Dhofar Governorate celebrated this evening in the Wilayat of Taqah the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, which falls on the third of December every year.

The celebration was sponsored by His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed bin Saif Al Busaidi, Governor of Taqah.

At the beginning of the celebration, Awad bin Rajab Fateh Shroba, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Al-Noor Association for the Blind in Dhofar Governorate, delivered a speech in which he emphasized the association’s keenness to celebrate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities because of its importance in the field of integrating people with disabilities and raising awareness among them.

During the celebration, a number of poems were recited, in addition to a lecture entitled “The Disabled, Reality and Ambition” delivered by Abdul Hafez bin Suhail Al-Rawas, in which he introduced him to disability, its causes and prevention, and the role of media and associations in caring for issues of people with disabilities.

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