Alizz Islamic Bank Provides Solutions For Purchasing Your Dream Home With The Alizz One Value Proposition

Muscat: Alizz Islamic Bank continues to provide Shari’a compliant products and services that fulfill the dreams and desires of its customers and realize their dreams of purchasing their own home through simple procedures and home financing of up to 25 years.

As part of the bank’s dedication to enrich its customers’ lives and provide them with the best Shari’a compliant solutions; Alizz Islamic Bank launched Alizz ONE a value proposition for those who wish to transfer their salaries to the bank. The bank’s commitment to meeting the diverse financial needs of society is demonstrated through the tailor-made Alizz ONE programme that encompasses financing, accounts, and savings plans. This all-inclusive package aims to provide innovative services that offer flexible financing rates and a variety of account and financing product options to customers. Furthermore, the package is designed to enhance the customer experience for those who aspire to invest via their savings

Home finance offered by Alizz Islamic Bank includes a variety of special benefits, such as competitive profit rates, the possibility of obtaining home finance with post-dated cheques (PDCs), a 12 months postponement of installments when transferring your home financing to Alizz Islamic Bank and much more.

Saif Al Barwani, Acting Head of Product Development at Alizz Islamic Bank, said: “Through the home finance offering as part of the Alizz ONE value proposition, we seek to secure the lives of our customers and help them own their dream home in accordance with Shari’a provisions. What distinguishes home finance within Alizz ONE is that it is offered to Omanis and residents at competitive profit rates and requires only simple documentation with fast processing and quick approvals.”

Home finance from Alizz Islamic Bank offers a tenor of up to 25 years and financing up to 90% of the property market value, whether it be a ready property or for construction.

It is worth noting that Alizz Islamic Bank offers a suite of Shari’a compliant banking solutions that meet customers’ needs with ease, as well as providing several options for them to achieve what they aspire for through innovative and smart solutions.

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