Annual Day: Citizens, Residents Praise Services of the Royal Oman Police


On the occasion of the celebration of the Royal Oman Police Day, a number of citizens and residents praised the services provided by the Royal Oman Police, in all service fields that are supervised by the police. Sultan Haitham bin Tarik the Supreme Commander, asking the Lord Almighty to return this occasion to His Majesty with good health, wellness and long life.

We commend the distinguished services provided by the Royal Oman Police to citizens, residents, and beneficiaries of police services. Muhammad bin Saeed Al-Araimi said: The Royal Oman Police has received great attention from His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik the Supreme Commander – in his belief that security is a basic pillar of growth, prosperity and the maintenance of the state’s gains, which had a great impact in advancing the process of upgrading and development in performance security forward.

He said: On the occasion of the fifth of January, the Royal Oman Police Day, we are pleased to extend our congratulations to all employees of the Royal Oman Police for its progress and development in all service, security and construction fields in its endeavor to achieve the highest levels of security and safety and to facilitate services and their availability in all police headquarters and stations deployed in all A quarter of the Sultanate of Oman.

Ibrahim bin Abdulrahman Al Balushi said: Since its inception, the Royal Oman Police has sought to keep pace with the growing development witnessed by the Sultanate of Oman at all levels, and to provide a security umbrella for all governorates and states of the Sultanate of Oman.

Khaled bin Ali Al-Ghazali said: First of all, we extend our sincere congratulations to all employees of the Royal Oman Police on the occasion of celebrating the Royal Oman Police Day, which falls on the fifth of January of each year, and we thank all employees of this agency for the services they provide to everyone who lives on this good land.

He added: The Royal Oman Police is considered one of the most important and pioneering state agencies in the field of providing services to citizens and residents, not to mention the great development in the field of services provided. For example, but not limited to, a citizen or resident can complete a specific transaction within a simple period that does not exceed five minutes. This is in addition to the focus of the Royal Oman Police on the technical side in the provision of services, and the Royal Oman Police has already received many awards in the field of technology.


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