Apex Business Trading celebrates opening of new branch in Samail Industrial City, launches 4 new products

Apex Business Trading celebrated today the opening of a new branch at the Facility Building in Samail Industrial City and launched 4 new products, under the auspices of HE Halima Al Zaria, Chairperson of the SMEs Development Authority, and in the presence of Eng. Dawood Al Hadabi, CEO of the Public Establishment for Industrial Estates “Madayn”.

Ibrahim Al Balushi, GM at Apex Business Trading: “Our Corrugated Boxes Factory was established in 2021 with support and funding from the SMEs Development Authority, with the aim of meeting the market’s demand for packaging materials, cardboard cartons and innovative products.”

Ibrahim Al Balushi, GM at Apex Business Trading: “We are the first Omani company to manufacture competitive products using the highest quality of corrugated cardboards, which include exhibition booths, furnishings, materials for product display and promotion, and billboards.”

Ahmed Al Hashmi, Investor Services Head at Samail Industrial City: “Madayn has divided Samail Industrial City into several sectors, among which is a 39,000 sqm area designated for the SMEs, with the current occupancy rate of this sector touching 34%.”

The total number of the localised projects in Samail Industrial City has reached 156 covering 2.2 million sqm with a total investment of RO 150 million. Among these projects, 94 are in production phase, 43 under construction, and 19 in the mapping preparation.

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