Arabian Oryx Sanctuary in Al Wusta welcomes more than 1,300 visitors

More than 1,300 visitors visits the Arabian Oryx Sanctuary in 2024

Haima: The number of visitors to the Arabian Oryx Sanctuary in the Wilayat of Haima in Al Wusta Governorate has exceeded 1,300 since the beginning of 2024, contributing to supporting ecotourism and enhancing the culture of preserving heritage and environmental treasures in the Sultanate of Oman.

Sultan bin Mohammed Al Balushi, Director of the Arabian Oryx Department, said: The Arabian Oryx Reserve is a centre for wildlife conservation and a driver of economic development by promoting eco-tourism and connecting with Oman’s natural history. It includes ambitious projects, including a project to plant 80,000 wild trees as part of a programme to increase vegetation cover and rehabilitate natural habitats with the aim of sustaining ecosystems. The infrastructure is also being developed to enhance the reserve’s attractiveness.

He added that the Arabian Oryx Sanctuary covers a vast area of ​​2,824 square kilometres, surrounded by diverse wild environments. It now includes about 900 Arabian Oryx, in addition to 1,240 sand gazelles and 160 Arabian gazelles, as well as the Nubian ibex, sand fox, striped hyena, wild rabbit and honey badger, which enriches the visitors’ experience and enhances their understanding of the natural heritage of the Sultanate of Oman.

Al Balushi explained that the reserve contributes to enhancing awareness of the ancient Omani environmental and geological history, through its mini-exhibition, in which the reserve displays pictures and brochures that shed light on the story of its establishment and development, reflecting the geological and cultural history of the region and its connection to people and the local community.

He pointed out that the reserve uses advanced technologies such as installing collars to track herds of Arabian oryx, Arabian gazelle and sand gazelle, and documenting their natural migration paths, which enhances understanding of their historical range and monitors their natural habitats. Last April, 50 sand gazelles were released into the reserve, which enhances the sustainability of biodiversity in the region.

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