Art exhibition held at Salalah Grand Mall

Salalah: The art exhibition “Irtiqaa Initiative” was held at the Salalah Grand Mall, with the participation of a number of artists in Dhofar Governorate.

The exhibition, organized by the Artistic Team, under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth, included 18 artworks to express many different societal events.

Mona bint Awad Al-Mahreya, head of the Artistic Team, said that the exhibition aims to educate community members about the culture of art, which can be a means of communicating their ideas and artistic and intellectual creativity, embodied in works that express nature, geography and culture.

She added that the exhibition includes a group of works by plastic artists from the Dhofar Governorate, with the aim of developing the cultural factor, stressing the importance of supporting such cultural initiatives to give young people opportunities to show their energies, creativity and ideas in various fields.

The opening of the exhibition was sponsored by His Excellency Muslim bin Saeed Al-Hamar, member of the Shura Council, representative of the state of Muqshin, in the presence of Musa bin Abdullah Al-Qasabi, Director General of the General Directorate of Culture, Sports and Youth in Dhofar Governorate, and those interested in plastic art.

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