Artistry Show by Malabar Gold & Diamonds lures jewellery lovers in Oman

Malabar Gold & Diamonds, the 6th largest jewellery retailer globally with an extensive retail network of over 315 showrooms across ten countries has launched the latest edition of the Artistry Show – a branded jewellery exhibition, which will be held at Malabar Gold & Diamonds showroom at West Gate Mall, Ruwi from 25th May to 3rd June 2023.

The ‘Artistry’ show presents jewellery lovers with an opportunity to witness the finest in jewellery craftsmanship from the brand in addition to a superior shopping experience. From Malabar Gold & Diamonds’ exclusive brands such as Mine, Era, Viraaz, Ethnix, Precia and Divine, the designs which are featured in the Artistry Show have been handpicked from all over the world, offering a highly exclusive visual treat for the connoisseurs of fine art.

“Artistry is an amassment of the finest jewellery that Malabar Gold & Diamonds has to offer. Each piece is a work of art and is sure to excite jewellery lovers who prefer exclusivity in their adornments. The jewellery showcased in the exhibition is available across gold, diamond and precious gems, ensuring that there is something to cater to the varying preferences of our immense customer base. I urge all jewellery lovers to visit our showroom in Ruwi, which is the largest jewellery store in Oman and witness the spectacle that we have prepared”, commented Mr Najeeb K, Regional Head – Oman, Malabar Gold & Diamonds.

As an added incentive, Malabar Gold & Diamonds is also offering free gold coins on diamond and precious gem jewellery purchases. Customers are eligible for 1 gm gold coin on diamond and precious gem jewellery purchase worth OMR 500 and ½ gm gold coins for purchase worth OMR 300.

Spread across 4000 sq. ft., the showroom of Malabar Gold & Diamonds in West Gate Mall, Ruwi, offers a magnificent shopping area, displaying thousands of exquisite jewellery from over 20 countries. The showroom also features a luxurious customer lounge and valet parking facility.

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