ASMED organises workshop on Entrepreneurship Academy project

Muscat: The Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority organized today a workshop on the Entrepreneurship Academy project, with the participation of more than 100 representatives of government and private institutions, entrepreneurship system partners and entrepreneurs.

During the seminar, the challenges and opportunities posed by the entrepreneurship sector in the Sultanate of Oman were discussed in various fields, such as: spreading the culture of entrepreneurship, building entrepreneurial capabilities, consulting and guidance, supportive programs and services, reviewing the most prominent solutions, programs, initiatives and recommendations to address challenges, and building specialized training programs.

The academy project is the integration between the various governmental and private institutions in the entrepreneurship system. Through the academy, the authority seeks to find sustainable strategic partnerships with academies and institutes that offer quality training programs in the field of entrepreneurship, in addition to other institutions in the entrepreneurship system in the Sultanate of Oman, and to provide entrepreneurs with basic skills to manage and operate their enterprises in accordance with international best practices.

The Authority also seeks, through the Academy, to provide an environment that encourages the growth and development of small and medium enterprises, and to keep abreast of the latest practices and experiences in conveying knowledge, expertise and developing skills, in addition to honing the talents and capabilities of the participants and qualifying them through courses and workshops, and to provide consultations, feasibility studies, and pioneering development initiatives.

The workshop came out with a package of development programs, initiatives and proposals that will serve entrepreneurs and small and medium enterprises in terms of raising their skills and empowering them, in addition to special programs for spreading the culture of entrepreneurship. It is noteworthy that the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority launched last April the “Entrepreneurship Academy” platform in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy as one of the economic stimulus initiatives for small and medium enterprises.

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