ASMED organizes Omani Frankincense Exhibition in Geneva

Geneva: The activities of the Omani Frankincense Exhibition, which accompanies the meetings of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), began today in Geneva.

It is organized by the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority in cooperation with the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources.

The exhibition aims to highlight and promote Omani frankincense as a product and a geographical indication that characterizes the Sultanate of Oman, and to promote small and medium enterprises working in frankincense products and its derivatives to expand in global markets to serve the national economy.

The exhibition is an opportunity to exchange experiences and knowledge between the participating institutions, and to find partnership opportunities to develop and qualify them and develop products in the fields of marketing so as to enhance their competitiveness and innovation. It is also an opportunity to increase sales, study the European market and know its needs.

5 small and medium enterprises that are distinguished in the production of frankincense and its derivatives are participating in the exhibition, namely: Bank of Oud Corporation, Al Shoala Corporation for the sale and production of frankincense and frankincense, Oliban Corporation, Gold Dust Trading Corporation, and Natural Frankincense Products Corporation.

It is worth noting that the authority seeks to market and promote the services and products of small and medium enterprises through participation in internal and external events and exhibitions, as it participated in (4) local exhibitions, and (6) international exhibitions, benefiting (266) institutions during the first half of this year.

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