ASYAD provides business opportunities for local suppliers worth over RO 38 million

Muscat: The Asyad Group provided business opportunities for local suppliers worth more than RO 38 million during the first half of 2023. The opportunities were genereated through ASYAD’s awarding more than 5,000 contracts, including more than 2,000 contracts (worth over RO 10 million) for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that are holders of Riyada card.

The contracts benefitted more than 600 small and medium enterprises (SMEs.)

ASYAD pointed out that this contracts open up vistas for business in various local projects across different economic and commercial sectors.

The group affirmed its keenness to build local supply chains that serve its needs by entering into strategic partnerships with private sector companies and small and medium enterprises to localize their spending on purchases from the local market, in addition to building the capabilities of national companies and human competencies to ensure the sustainability of supply chains and provide innovative logistical solutions.

Asyad Group, through the “Tomouh Incubator”, continues to target many emerging, small and medium companies specialized in the logistics sector and e-commerce, to enable them, support and develop their qualitative projects with a set of integrated logistics solutions provided by the group, in a way that ensures maintaining the growth and expansion of its business and increasing its contribution to the local output.

The Tamouh incubator provided support to 8 start-up, small and medium companies, which worked on developing and developing their skills in the e-commerce sector, and contributed directly to creating 20 new jobs in these institutions as a result of the expansion of their business.

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