Bank Muscat Inaugurates a New Green Sports Football Field in the Wilayat of Nakhal

Muscat: In line with the Bank’s commitment to enhancing its leading role in the Social Corporate Responsibility (CSR) realm, Bank Muscat, the leading financial service provider in the Sultanate, upholds its commitment to supporting youth sports teams through its annual Green Sports program across the Sultanate. Recently, the Bank has handed over the Green Sports field to the Al Abyad Sports Cultural Team from the Wilayat of Nakhal, Al Batinah South Governorate. The event was held under the patronage of His Excellency Badr bin Nasser Al Jabri, a member at the State Council, Nakhal, Malik bin Saif Al Subhi, Head of the Al Abyad Sports Cultural Team, Said bin Ahmed Al Salmi, the Regional Manager of Meethaq Islamic Banking from Bank Muscat, and a number of officials and team members.

Speaking on the occasion, Said bin Ahmed Al Salmi, Meethaq Regional Manager, Muscat Governorate, Bank Muscat, congratulated Al Abyad Sports Cultural Team for the successful completion of the project. He said: “The Bank is committed to supporting the modern sports infrastructure across Oman. We hope that the new facility would take the team to greater heights, improve community bonding, and harness the talent of Omani youth. Bank Muscat through its Green Sports program will continue to develop local sport teams and enhance youth’s talents and foster the sports sector in the country.”

During the ceremony, Malik bin Saif Al Subhi, Head of the Al Abyad Sports Cultural Team, Nakhal, expressed his gratitude to Bank Muscat for the Green Sports program, which has made vital contributions to local sports teams. The newly inaugurated field will have a positive impact as it would support the team’s infrastructure thereby enabling us to serve more members within the community.

Bank Muscat’s Green Sports program is one of the leading CSR programs in Oman, which provides support to local sports teams as part of the Bank’s efforts to develop the football infrastructure and green spaces throughout the Sultanate of Oman. The support includes greening of football fields, water desalination and lighting. Since its inception in 2012, it is a matter of great pride that the Bank Muscat’s Green Sports program has benefitted 183 teams with over 50,000 team members across Oman.

The Green Sports program reaffirms the Bank Muscat’s commitment to providing opportunities for young Omanis to develop their talents. During the past period, the Bank successfully completed multiple sports projects backed with great support in multiple areas to develop the green sports teams. It goes a long way in developing the skills and talents of Omani youth on the sporting sphere, aiming to create a more developed and fostered version of the entire Green Sports program to better serve the community.

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