Bank Nizwa Continues to Showcase Leadership in Islamic Banking by Organizing Islamic Finance Knowledge Session Across the Sultanate

Muscat: Bank Nizwa, the leading and most trusted Islamic bank in the Sultanate, organized two impactful lectures as part of its educational program for Islamic banking at the Cultural Center in Sinaw and Imam Abdulmalik Bin Humaid Mosque. The lectures aimed to enhance the level of awareness within the local community about the principles and concepts of Islamic banking in line with Sharia principles. Both lectures witnessed significant attendance and active participation.

The first lecture at the Cultural Center in Sinaw was delivered by Mr. Mustafa bin Nasser Al-Na’bi, Deputy Manager of Shari’a Training at Bank Nizwa, while the second lecture at Imam Abdulmalik Bin Humaid Mosque was delivered by Sheikh Dr. Ali bin Sulaiman Al-Jahdhami, a member of the Shari’a Board at Bank Nizwa.

These informative lectures reflect Bank Nizwa’s continuous efforts to instill the principles of Islamic banking within the community and equip individuals with the necessary knowledge to maximize the benefits offered by Islamic banking services and innovative solutions that adhere to Sharia principles, provided by Bank Nizwa. By providing comprehensive Islamic banking solutions, Bank Nizwa ensures that individuals can make sound financial decisions that align with their aspirations and financial needs.

Commenting on the lectures, Sheikh Dr. Ali bin Sulaiman Al-Jahdhami, said, “At Bank Nizwa, we are dedicated to spreading awareness about Islamic banking among the local community through our educational program for individuals interested in financial solutions aligned with our Islamic beliefs. This program equips them with the necessary knowledge to make sound financial decisions that meet their aspirations and financial needs, through the provision of innovative financial products and services that comply with Islamic Sharia principles and the lifestyle of the community. Bank Nizwa will continue its efforts to keep pace with developments in the Islamic banking industry and contribute to the community by providing comprehensive Islamic banking solutions.”

The educational program for Islamic banking represents the extent of Bank Nizwa’s efforts to promote awareness in the communities it serves and enhance individuals’ capacities to understand the principles and concepts of banking compliant with Islamic Sharia teachings. Islamic finance is considered as a mean to enhance financial inclusion and achieve financial goals while developing projects that align with their beliefs and lifestyles for the Omani society.

It is worth mentioning that the efforts made by those responsible for the educational program for Islamic banking come as a manifestation of the bank’s continuous commitment to fulfilling its social responsibilities. Since its establishment, Bank Nizwa has continued participating in various community initiatives to raise awareness among different segments of Omani society about Islamic banking to make sound financial decisions. Bank Nizwa has earned the trust and respect of the Omani community through its diverse and growing range of financial services and products tailored to meet the varied needs of its customers.

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