Belarus reviews investment opportunities in North Al Batinah

Belarusian Minister of Trade reviews investment opportunities in North Al Batinah

Sohar: Minister of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade of the Republic of Belarus, Alexei Bogdanov, and his accompanying delegation today visited North Al Batinah Governorate to learn about investment opportunities in the governorate and introduce the most important major economic projects in the Wilayat of Sohar.

During the visit, His Excellency and the accompanying team met with His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Busaidi, Wali of Sohar, at the office of the Governor of North Al Batinah.

During the meeting, His Excellency listened to a detailed explanation of the current investment projects and future opportunities in the sectors of ports, agriculture, fisheries and mining, in addition to the oil and transformation industries in Sohar Port, the Free Zone and Sohar Industrial City, and the logistical services provided for these projects, in addition to the latest developments in the railway network between the Wilayat of Sohar and the Emirate of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates, extending for a distance of 303 kilometers, with an introduction to the governorate’s ports in Shinas, Liwa, Sohar and Suwaiq and the commercial and economic activities associated with them.

The meeting also witnessed the introduction of the heritage, environmental, cultural and tourism diversity that North Al Batinah Governorate abounds with, with a review of the strategy of North Al Batinah Governorate and its axes that focus on economic diversity and sustainable development.

The Minister of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade of the Republic of Belarus and his accompanying delegation also visited Sohar Port and Free Zone.

His Excellency was briefed on the most important major commercial and industrial projects and their fields, logistics services and container handling, advanced industrial activities in the energy, metals and petrochemical sectors, as well as investment opportunities and land rental in the Sohar Free Zone. His Excellency listened to an explanation about the location of Sohar Port, its divisions, the docks it includes, and the maritime shipping lines that connect the port.

He also learned about the incentives provided to investors and practicing commercial business with the presence of the one-stop-shop system, which is considered a single place to complete all procedures related to clearance and completion of procedures related to all permits, licenses and approvals.

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