Bilarab award receives 149 entries in second edition 

The organizers of the second edition of Belarab Bin Haitham Award for Architectural Design (BHA) have received 149 project ideas from contestants in competition to replicate Oman’s Maritime History Museum located in the Wilayat of Sur in the Governorate of South A’Sharqiyah.

From among entries that met the conditions set previously for the contest, 84 are submitted by individuals and 65 by groups.

The award jury is currently studying and sorting the entries with a view to picking up the top 30 project designs, which will later be shortlisted into 10 qualifiers to contest the final stage.

Once the best 30 projects are selected, a workshop will be held for the finalists to help them finetune their designs before resubmitting them for the knockout stage.

The jury of the award affirmed that assessment criteria include the technical features of the submitted projects, their applicability in solid form and their compatibility with standard international projects in the museum sector.

It added that other aspects to be taken into account include the submitted projects’ long-time environmental, social and economic impacts, as well as the extent to which the designs celebrate and enrich Oman’s historical journey.

Earlier, the award’s organizers prepared a general guide and a technical guide on assessment criteria, the competition’s stages and other particulars pertaining to the design of galleries of the museum.

The period for entries’ submission via the award’s website ( lasts 53 days from 10 October to 1 December 2022.

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