Bloom Hawana Salalah Festival kicks off

Salalah: The Ministry of Heritage and Tourism, in coordination with the Tayseer platform, inaugurated 1st edition of the “Bloom Hawana Salalah” festival (Festival of Flowers and Life), in cooperation with a number of government agencies and private sector institutions, and it will continue until the 11th of August 2023.

The “Bloom Hawana Salalah” festival includes various entertainment programs, activities and events that suit all groups through several sections and different corners, such as: a corner for wild flowers and trees, a tropical fruits corner, and another for birds and pets, in addition to a challenge games arena, and another for artistic performances, and an area Tropical cuisine.

The festival also includes the “Bloom” container exhibition, the “Bloom” market, and various art models and frames for visitors to take memorial photos.

During the festival, training programs will be held in the areas of flower arrangement and seedling planting, as well as yoga and individual talent presentations.

The opening of the festival held in the Hawana Salalah project in Dhofar Governorate was sponsored by His Excellency Faisal bin Abdullah Al Rawas, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry, who honored the sponsors and contributors to the organization.

It is worth noting that the festival aims to raise awareness of the importance of preserving and sustaining the environment, as well as diversifying the tourism movement to tourist destinations and sites in the Dhofar Governorate during the Khareef season, and creating innovative tourism patterns.

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