CAA to coordinate with SalamAir’s statement


The Civil Aviation Authority said that it has followed what is being circulated on social media platforms about the statements of the CEO of SalamAir regarding the high ticket fares to Salalah are due to high tax rates which is around 20 Omani riyals on each ticket.

The CAA said in a statement that it will coordinate with the management of the Salam Air as a strategic partner to clarify the reasons that stated in the CEO’s statement.

The statement being circulated on social media platforms shows in a panel discussion that Captain Mohamed Ahmed, CEO of SalamAir explaining there would be no increase in flights to Salalah because a taxes, which is OMR 20 was being levied on every ticket amounting to OMR 50.

The authority also clarified that those concerned with it had conducted an analytical study on the fees imposed on domestic flights, including fees charged by the CAA such as departure fees and air navigation fees, as well as fees charged by Oman Airports Company such as aircraft landing and parking fees.

The study indicated that the fees during July 2023 were at a rate of RO 8.857 per passenger on the outbound and return trips between Muscat International Airport and Salalah Airport.

The presence of two ground handling companies at Muscat International Airport enhances the chances of airlines obtaining competitive prices for services, and there is no interference from CAA in the operating costs of airlines, including their agreements with service providers.

The authority affirmed that it is continuing to coordinate with the concerned authorities and strategic partners to ensure concerted efforts to provide all means to reduce the prices of domestic flights and ensure their availability to cover the needs of the local market.

CAA also affirmed that the increase in air traffic is a positive indicator of the recovery of the civil aviation sector from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, expressing her willingness to cooperate with any of the national carriers to overcome the challenges they face in order to accelerate the recovery of the civil aviation sector in the Sultanate of Oman.

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