Campaign to remove mesquite tree in Bidbid continues

Bidbid: The Department of Agricultural Wealth and Water Resources in the Wilayat of Bidbid in the Governorate of A’Dakhiliyah carried out today an extensive campaign to remove mesquite and roog trees, in cooperation with a number of governmental and private institutions in the state.

Engineer Ishaq bin Omar al-Jabri, Director of the Department of Agricultural Wealth and Water Resources in the Wilayat of Bidbid, said that mesquite and rug trees negatively affect seasonal plants and weeds with surface roots through their competition for water and nutrients, so it is necessary to remove them, and the presence of rug trees on the banks of the valley has a negative impact on blocking the flow of the valley and changing its path to the farms of citizens adjacent to the valley.

Al-Jabri added that this campaign is a first stage and will be followed by other upcoming stages. The number of participants among the state’s youth has reached approximately 100 people and 7 equipment, and it operates in a number of villages, such as: (Al-Quda’iya and Al-Buaird).

It is worth noting that the Department of Agricultural Wealth in the Wilayat of Bidbid seeks to remove harmful trees by carrying out similar campaigns during the next phase.

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