Centre for Processing Data, Hosting Cryptocurrency Mining Opened in Salalah

Salalah: The first phase of a project to set up a centre for hosting data processing and cryptocurrency mining inaugurated at the Free Zone in Salalah, an affiliate of Asyad Group.

The centre belongs to Exahertz International company, a subsidiary of Afaq Advanced Technologies firm.

The ceremony, which also included laying down the foundation stone of the second phase of the project, was held under the auspices of Eng. Said Hamoud Al Ma’awali, Minister of Transport, Communications and Information Technology. It was attended by HH Sayyid Marwan Turki Al Said, Governor of Dhofar.

Al Ma’awali said in a statement to reporters that the inauguration of the first phase of the project reflects the ministry’s keenness on promoting digital investment and localizing advanced technologies. He added that the company in charge of the project is expected to achieve a quarter of envisaged volume of production before the end of 2023.

For his part, Dr. Ali Mohammed Tabook, CEO of Salalah Free Zone, underscored the significance of laying down the foundation stone for the Exahertz Blockchain Data Centre at an investment value of $348 million on an area of 312,000 square metres.

The ceremony included the inauguration of a pilot facility for the first phase of the project on the centre for data processing and hosting of cryptocurrency mining.

It is worth noting that the new centre is the first project of its kind in terms of imported technological devices in the field of data processing, blockchain applications and financial technologies. This contributes to enhancing economic development and achieving a positive impact on the local market. – ONA

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