Civil Defence and Ambulance Authority opens its awareness exhibition in Dhofar Governorate

Salalah: The Civil Defense and Ambulance Authority inaugurated its awareness exhibition in Dhofar Governorate, which coincides with the Dhofar Autumn activities, and is a continuation of the awareness efforts for this year, in order to enhance the preventive culture from risks related to defense work by various means, and it will continue until August 10.

The exhibition, which is held in Salalah Gardens Mall, includes various sections of the Civil Defense and Ambulance Authority, represented in: firefighting, land rescue, water rescue, search and rescue (urban and mountain), dealing with hazardous materials accidents, ambulance, civil protection, and awareness corner.

The exhibition includes a display of the equipment and mechanisms used in dealing with various types of communications in the Civil Defense and Ambulance Authority, in addition to presentations related to landing operations from high buildings, and other displays related to rescue operations, in both its land and water parts, and hazardous materials.

The authority was keen to establish a special corner for training on the use of fire extinguishers, fire blankets, first aid, and an interactive corner for children. His Excellency Dr. Abdullah bin Ali Al Amri, Chairman of the Environment Agency, the sponsor of the occasion, toured the exhibition and listened to a full explanation of what was included. /Omani/

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