Common Cold Virus Related to Potentially Fatal Blood Clotting Disorder: Study

North Carolina: A new study has found that the common respiratory virus, which causes mild cold-and flu-like symptoms, may be associated with blood clots and severe thrombocytopenia or a drop in the level of platelets.

The researchers from the University of North Carolina (UNC) School of Medicine, US noted that the finding will lead to earlier diagnosis, appropriate and optimised treatment, and better outcomes in patients who develop this life-threatening disorder.

The study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, sheds new light on the flu virus and its role in causing an anti-platelet factor 4 disorder. In anti-PF4 disorders, the person’s immune system makes antibodies against platelet factor-4 (PF4), a protein released by platelets.

When an antibody forms against PF4 and binds to it, it can trigger the activation and rapid removal of platelets in the bloodstream, leading to blood clotting and low platelets.

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