Construction of animal feed production plant project in Muttrah reaches 70%

Muttrah: The percentage of construction work in the animal feed production plant project has reached 70 percent, which is being implemented by the Oman Flour Mills Company in the Wilayat of Muttrah, as part of its efforts to contribute to achieving the objectives of “Oman’s Vision 2040”, by enhancing the inputs of the circular economy and benefiting from raw materials. raw materials available in the local environment, and using them to produce a range of animal feed products in an economical, sustainable and environmentally friendly manner.

The implementation of the factory comes as part of the Omani mills’ investments to enhance the food security system and provide local added value to meet the needs of the Sultanate of Oman for food processing inputs.

Haitham bin Muhammad Al Fannah, CEO of the Omani Flour Mills Company, said that the factory, which was launched in November 2022, has entered advanced stages of completion, and work in it is progressing at a rapid pace, indicating that the components of the feed mill are being installed, while the premixing unit is undergoing final testing and calibration. To ensure that they meet the required production standards.

He explained to Oman News Agency that the entire project is scheduled to be completed in October 2023, as a result of the efforts made by the work team to deliver the factory on time, pointing out that the new animal poultry feed factory and its pre-mixing unit and its advanced automated systems will make a quantum leap. In meeting the growing demands in the local markets.

He said that the animal feed production plant is an ambitious project capable of producing 20 tons of animal feed per hour, and this facility includes a pre-mixing unit capable of producing 6 tons of pre-mixing per hour. of meeting the specific nutritional requirements of different animal species.

He added that the factory uses innovative technology, as the feed factory was equipped with the latest technology to improve efficiency and productivity, and the integration of robot systems to stack finished products on pallets is one of the prominent features of this project, noting that these robots simplify the packaging process, which reduces the cost of packaging. Manual labor ensures consistency and accuracy in filling.

The CEO of the Oman Flour Mills Company explained that the factory uses advanced control systems in the project, which regulate the production process and the operation of the entire factory.

He added that this level of automation allows for precise control and monitoring of ingredients and the mixing and production process as a whole, which leads to the production of high-quality feed at a superior level. Automated control systems also provide real-time data on production metrics, allowing for quick adjustments and effective decision-making.

He pointed out that the animal feed factory will supplement the efforts made to develop livestock, enhance self-sufficiency in feed, and improve the productivity and quality of local products through the localization and development of these industries to keep pace with the increased demand for these products in the local and regional markets, as well as reduce dependence on imports.

Haitham bin Muhammad Al Fannah, CEO of the Omani Mills Company, explained that animal feed factories are one of the main elements for the development of the agricultural and livestock sector in the Sultanate of Oman, as they contribute to improving productivity and quality, enhancing sustainability, self-sufficiency and food, and supporting the growth of the national economy.

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