Construction of breakwater project in Oman’s Bukha continues

Bukha: The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources continues the construction work of a breakwater project in the villages of Al-Jari and Al-Ghumdha in the Wilayat of Bukha in the Musandam Governorate.

The project aims to develop and establish facilities for fish landing operations for fishermen; To be an attractive environment to work in the fishing profession, as the cost of the project amounted to 2.5 million Omani riyals.

The ministry said that the completion rate of the implemented project amounted to about 46%, and the project is a seaport, and it will provide many basic services for the fisheries sector in the two regions, such as shelters, warehouses, service facilities, and other services that help fishermen and workers in professions related to the fishing sector, in addition to major players and players.

Secondary slipway for boats and mooring area for small boats. The length of the main marine breakwater in the running area is 123.7 meters, the secondary break is 42 meters, and the area of ​​the port basin is 2,492 meters. In the Al Ghamda area, the length of the main marine breakwater is 203 meters, the secondary break is 67 meters, and the area of ​​the port basin is 6,700 square meters.

It is worth noting that the number of fishermen in the state of Bukha is 430, according to the Ministry’s 2022 statistics, the number of artisanal fishing boats has reached 273, the number of artisanal fishing vessels is 5, and the fish production has reached 4,830 tons. The Ministry seeks to exploit fish resources by developing infrastructure, providing facilities, and rehabilitating fish landing areas to be a possible and attractive work environment for Omani fishermen, to achieve direct and indirect economic and social revenues, support the revenues of the national economy, and raise the sector’s contribution to the gross domestic product.

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