Construction of dams in Salalah continues, one of second largest Dam in Oman

Salalah: The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources is continuing with the construction of two dams to mitigate the flood risks in the wilayat of Salalah in Dhofar Governorate.

These dams will store the rainwater from the mountain areas and stop their flow towards the Port of Salalah, Raysut Industrial City and Salalah Free Zone.

The first dam is at Wadi Adawnib with a capacity of over 83 million cubic metres, which is the second largest dam in the Sultanate of Oman after Wadi Dhaiqa Dam in the Muscat Governorate.

The second dam is at the course of Wadi Ana’ar in Raysut area with a capacity of 16 million cubic metres. This is in addition to the construction of protection wall for Salalah Port.

The two dams represent part of the protection system to reduce the risks of floods, which includes construction of five protection dams in the wilayat of Salalah.

The other three dams would be constructed in the future as to provide utmost protection from flood risks.

Ali bin Bakhit Bait Said, Director of Water Resources Department at the Directorate General of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources in Dhofar Governorate, said that the completion percentage of Wadi Adawnib Dam is 22 percent at a total cost of approximately OMR24 million.

The construction is expected to be complete during the second half of 2024, he added.

The project includes construction of a dam at Wadi Adawnib for a length of 386 metres and a height of 68 metres besides construction of a channel to discharge water from the dam’s reservoir with a capacity of 83.3 million cubic metres, he said.

He said that the completion percentage of the project of Wadi Ana’ar Dam is 26 percent at a total cost of OMR23 million. The project includes construction of a dam for a length of 1.680 kilometres and the height of 20 metres.

The construction is expected to be complete during the last quarter of 2023. The project includes construction of a concrete spillway for the length of 430 metres and a discharge channel with a capacity of 16 million cubic metres, he added.

He said that the side protection works for Salalah Port includes construction of a protection wall for a length of 1.610 kilometres and a height of 2 to 4 metres.

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