Construction of new market in Wadi Al Maawil begins

Wadi Al-Ma’awil: The company executing the new market project in the Wilayat of Wadi Al-Ma`awil in the Al Batinah South Governorate has started its construction works at an estimated cost over OMR 319,000.

Saud bin Saeed Al-Ma’awali, Deputy Chairman of the Municipal Council in the Governorate of South Al-Batinah, representative of Wadi Al-Ma’awil, said: “The market, which is supervised by the Office of the Governor of South Al-Batinah, is built on an area estimated at 16,000 square meters and includes 27 shops, a number of cafes, a mosque, and a number of parking lots, in addition to afforestation and a number of sessions in a beautiful and developed way, and some services that visitors and tourists need for the market, which will be an economic station and a tourist attraction by virtue of its location on the main street.

He added that the new market project will enhance the commercial and economic position of the wilayat, as it will serve business owners and small and medium enterprises. It will also contribute, after its completion, to revitalizing the purchasing movement in the wilayat and nearby states in the Al Batinah South Governorate.

Al-Maawali pointed out that the market will contribute to highlighting the crafts and traditional industries that the wilayat is famous for, such as making daggers, silverware, pottery, dates, some seasonal products, palm fronds and other industries, which will make it a destination for tourism, whether from inside or outside the Sultanate of Oman.

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