CPA seizes shops in Salalah for raising prices

The Judicial Enforcement Team of the Consumer Protection Department in Dhofar managed to seize a number of fruits shops in the wilayat of Salalah, which refrain from providing the service and hide the price lists authorized and approved by the department before the khareef season, in addition to raising prices, coinciding with the active commercial movement taking place in the governorate with Dhofar Kahreef Tourism Season 2023 and its monitoring, awareness efforts in various markets and commercial centers in the governorate, with the aim of maintaining price stability and ensuring that suppliers comply with the Consumer Protection Law and its implementing regulations.

The seizure resulted in the arrest and release of 15 violations of a number of shops, which varied between refraining from providing the service and concealing the price lists authorized and approved by the administration before the khareef season, in addition to raising prices, which is an explicit violation of the Consumer Protection Law and its implementing regulations.

The authority affirms that its inspection campaigns come within the framework of its keenness to organize and monitor the markets, and to monitor the extent of compliance with the laws and regulations regulating the practice of commercial activities, with the aim of controlling violations and detecting abuses, stressing that it will firmly confront anyone who is negligent in carrying out his obligations stipulated in the relevant laws, and that Its inspection campaigns are continuing to control such violating practices, and to refer all those who violate laws and decisions to the competent authorities to take appropriate measures against them in order to protect the rights of consumers.

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