Cryptocurrency mining center opens in Salalah tomorrow

Salalah: The Center for Hosting, Data Processing and Mining of Cryptocurrencies will be opened tomorrow, Sunday, in the Salalah Free Zone, affiliated to Exahertz International, the company emerging from Afaq for Advanced Technologies, as part of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology’s efforts to promote digital investment and localize advanced technologies.

The opening ceremony will be held by His Excellency Eng. Saeed bin Hamoud Al Maawali, Minister of Transport, Communications and Information Technology. Jad Kharma, founder of “Afaaq Advanced Technologies” and CEO of “Exahertz” company, explained that the establishment of the company came with the cooperation and support provided by the Omani government, especially the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology, the Public Services Regulatory Authority and other relevant authorities to build the first infrastructure specialized in blockchain and modern technologies. enhanced systems of artificial intelligence, digital mining, cyber security, and others; To keep pace with the global technological industries in line with the “Oman Vision 2040”.

In a statement to Oman News Agency, he stressed that the company provides a comprehensive set of services that contribute to enhancing the performance of local companies and achieving the highest levels of operational excellence through the development of national cadres and talents. For his part, Sam Verdus, representative of Moonwalk Systems and strategic partner at Exahertz, said that the Sultanate of Oman, under the wise leadership of His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik attaches importance to attracting digital investment as a key factor for innovation, growth and improvement of the economic environment. Digitalization, placing the Sultanate of Oman among the ranks of developed countries in this industry, creating job opportunities in the field of modern technology, and transferring knowledge to increase productivity in human capital.

Haitham bin Yousef Al-Zadjali, the company’s chief financial officer, said that the new center is the first project of its kind in terms of imported technological devices that the company attracted in the field of hosting, data processing, blockchain applications and financial technologies, pointing to the success of the first phase of establishing and operating the center, which took place in a record period at the lowest cost. For three months, the company has been continuing its efforts to achieve a positive impact on the local market, and to enhance its vital role in advancing economic development.

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