Cyclone Shaheen: 7 new deaths have been confirmed, toll rises to 11 in Oman

Muscat: Oman’s National Center for Emergency Management said on Monday that 7 new deaths have been confirmed apart from missing cases due to the tropical situation Shaheen in North Al Batinah Governorate.

Total deaths cases due to cyclone shaken in Oman rises to 11.

In the statement said ( NCEM) : The National Committee for Emergency Management, “Oman is ready”, denied what is being circulated on social media, with the statement attributed to the Civil Defense and Ambulance Authority about declaring the wilayats of Khaboura and Suwaiq disaster areas.

The committee called on citizens and residents to obtain information from its official sources.

The committee announced the registration of 7 new deaths, while receiving reports of missing cases as a result of the tropical case Shaheen in the North Al Batinah Governorate.

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