Cyclone Tej: Mwasalat announces suspension of Ferries, Buses services

Muscat: Oman’s Mwasalat announces the suspension and rescheduling of some routes of its Ferries and Buses services

As per the latest alerts issued by the competent authorities about the weather conditions, “Mwasalat” would like to inform all customers of its services “buses” and “ferries” that the following has been decided:

“Buses” Services:

– Suspension of all city bus routes in (Salalah) in 22/10/2023 at 12 PM until further notice.

– Suspension of route 100 (Muscat – Haima – Salalah) in 22/10/2023 until further notice.

– Suspension of route 100 (Muscat – Marmul – Salalah) in 22/10/2023 until further notice.

– Operations continue for all other routes.

“Ferries” Services:

– Suspension of route (Al Hallaniyat – Tagah).

– Operations continue for route (Shannah – Masirah).

– Operations continue for all routes from and to Musandam governorate.

This is in the best interests of “Mwasalat” to ensure the safety of passengers, as these services would be impacted by the exceptional weather conditions expected in the coming period.

“Mwasalat” confirms that it is following the developments of the weather situation with the competent authorities. Customers will be notified of any updates on trip rescheduling or the resumption date of suspended routes on Mwasalat’s social media channels.

For inquiries and information, please contact our contact center at: 1551.

We appreciate your good cooperation and ask God Almighty to protect everyone from all harms.

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