Daleel Achieves Zero Routine Flaring

Muscat: In early 2023, Daleel achieved Zero Routine Flaring, Seven Years ahead of the World Bank’s target. This remarkable achievement is a demonstration of the company`s dedication to Oman’s vision, the future of our planet, and our children’s right for a brighter future.

Daleel was flaring all the produced associated gas until 2008 when the first gas processing train was commissioned to extract valuable liquids such as LPG and NGL that resulted in 28% total flare reduction. In 2012, Daleel commissioned the power plant to generate the required field power demand, utilizing gas as fuel and significantly reducing diesel consumption. The second gas processing train was commissioned in 2018 to maximize the extraction of LPG and NGL and export the surplus gas, which resulted in 80% reduction in total flared gas. In early 2023, Zero Routine Flaring was successfully achieved by further eliminating all atmospheric pressure flaring.

Mr. Marash Al Kalbani, Operation Director at Daleel Petroleum stated: “The Company dedicates its efforts to reducing emissions at both local and global levels, working towards a healthier and cleaner environment for the community. To date, Daleel has recovered 440,000 tons of LPG, 2.8 million barrels of NGL, and exported 28 billion standard cubic feet of Lean Gas. These numbers speak volumes about our dedication and the environment positive impact we have made based on operational excellence as a core value. As we celebrate this milestone, we still have eco-friendly plans and projects for the future.”

Daleel Petroleum aims to further reduce non-routine flaring, minimize fuel-gas consumption, enhance safety-flaring requirements, improve energy efficiency, and increase utilization of renewable energy sources. These goals will pave the way towards eco-friendly achievements, reinforcing Daleel Petroleum positioning as industry leaders and pioneers of sustainability.

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