Development projects in Al Sharqiyah South reach RO 17.7 million

Muscat: The Governorate of South Al Sharqiyah defined its vision by adopting an approach that focuses on continuous development and achieving sustainable growth through optimal exploitation of resources, and crystallized its mission in working to meet the needs of society and enhance its well-being by providing integrated and distinguished services by employing modern technology and applying the highest quality standards. While ensuring broad community participation.

Dr. Yahya bin Badr Al-Maawali, Governor of South Al Sharqiyah, confirmed that the governorate’s development strategy and plans are derived from the priority of developing sustainable governorates and cities within the “Oman Vision 2040,” which emphasizes that balanced development of governorates takes into account comparative advantages and enhances their competitiveness, enabling them to achieve the aspirations of citizens in all fields. Services, social, economic, environmental and others.

Sur Industrial City

In an interview with the Oman News Agency, His Excellency said: During the current year, the Governorate of South Al Sharqiyah witnessed the adoption and implementation of a package of projects to enhance existing achievements and realize the aspirations and ambitions of community members by providing various services according to the available capabilities. His Excellency added that the cost of development projects in the governorate amounts to about RO 17.7 million.

The total amounts spent on development projects in the South Al Sharqiyah Governorate during the years 2021 and 2022 amounted to about RO 13,336,000, and it is expected that during the remainder of the current year, about RO 4,347,242.

His Excellency explained that the governorate has made efforts in this regard to implement a number of development projects in the states, the most important of which is the beautification project of the commercial market area in the state of Sur – Downtown – (first phase), where a contract for consulting services was signed to design and supervise its implementation, and the project to establish the waterfront in the Al Haddah area, the completion rate is about 10 percent, and the project to develop the beach park in Ras Al Hadd Niyabat, and the project to supply and install beach umbrellas in various locations, where the completion rate has reached 10 percent, stressing that work on all these projects is progressing at a regular pace.

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